Our busiest time of the year

From November 1st to December 25th we work tirelessly to be able to provide Christmas Wishes for children & teens in need

November & December

October- November is when School Administration & Community Action Groups contact us with lists of their neediest students.

They screen the family & this ensures that the family is in need.


The child is asked what their Christmas Wishes and basic needs are and that is when we at the Sharing Team get to work


Our Volunteer Staff

They work very hard shopping for the best bargains to fulfill those special Christmas Wishes


Christmas is special time of year, especially for children. We feel that children need their Christmas Wishes granted.

Community Groups, At-Risk groups or Schools can request a Christmas Gift display to be set up by a Sub-4-Santa team member. Parents can come choose a special gift for their child.


Business Support

There are many ways to contribute

Some businesses use a list of Christmas wishes and place them on tags so customers & employees can fill those wishes.

Companies often Match money contributed by employees.

Employee Payroll Dedications are a terrific way to contribute to this program.